Balance Disorder

What is a Balance Disorder?

Any sensation of abnormal involuntary movement causing instability can be termed as a balance disorder. A majority of balance disorders are related to the vestibular system which is part of the inner ear.

Balance Disorder

Balance Disorder Symptoms

Apart from a sense of instability many patients may also have a spinning sensation or dizziness(vertigo), nausea, vomiting, ringing sensation in the ears (tinnitus ), and a feeling of fullness in the ear. In this case, consult your nearest vertigo treatment doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of Balance Disorder

Balance Disorder can occur when your brain and inner ears are not in synchrony or if there is a disease process directly affecting the vestibular system. They are usually caused by inner ear infections, certain ototoxic medications, or head injuries.

Balance Disorder

Most Common Balance Disorders


  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) involves brief but intense periods of vertigo that are triggered by specific changes in head position. It occurs when tiny crystals in the otolith organs become dislodged and migrate to the semicircular canals.
  • Meniere’s Disease affects the inner ear. The outer ear doesn’t get affected. It can cause vertigo and ringing in the ear. It might lead to gradually worsening hearing loss.
  • Labyrinthitis is an infection of the inner ear. It causes dizziness, and vomiting can affect hearing, and sometimes can cause a ringing sensation in the ears.

Balance Disorder Treatment


In order to decide what treatment you need, initially an ENT surgeon takes a detailed history of your vertigo and also conducts a basic neuro otologic examination including Rhomberg’s test and a pure tone audiogram. Special tests like positional tests if BPPV is suspected or VNG if Menieres or labyrinthitis is suspected are also done. Based on the history, examination and special tests the ENT surgeon will be able to guide your treatment.

Treatment Options


  • Medications (antihistamines, labyrinthine suppressants, antibiotics, or steroids).
  • Physical or occupational therapy.
  • Surgery.
  • Repositioning exercises.
  • Vestibular retraining programs.
  • Lifestyle modifications (such as dietary changes and elimination of alcohol and nicotine).
If you are suffering from Balance Disorder or Vertigo Symptoms, don’t let it stop you from enjoying your life. There is no need to live with this condition as there are effective treatments available. Dr. Ram ENT hospital can help you find out what the cause is and provide relief to you immediately. To book an appointment or consult with a Balance Disorder Specialist about your condition, call us now to book an appointment.